What is Title I?
Title I is a program through which school districts receive federal funding to provide financial assistance in planning and operating special programs focused for children from economically disadvantaged environments. Title I funding is determined by the number of students who receive free or reduced lunch. The No Child Left Behind Law governs Title I and provides direction for school implementation in the following areas:
· Highly qualified teachers and paraprofessionals
· Intense, ongoing professional development
· Research based instructional materials
· Additional supplemental academic programs and staff
· Meaningful parental involvement activities
· Customized school programs based on the school’s needs assessment
A Parent’s Guide to Title I
Program Design
The Title I Program focuses on Mathematics and/or Language Arts intervention and is designed to supplement services to help low-achieving students meet state testing requirements by using a variety of models
· Smaller classes and/or additional small group instruction
· Additional teachers or teacher assistants
· Additional supplemental materials in the classroom
· Extra time for teaching/tutoring students the skills they need including after school tutoring
· Professional development for teachers and teacher assistants
· Parent Involvement activities and liaison
School Parent Compact
All parents will be asked to sign a school-parent compact. This compact is an agreement between the parents and the school to help ensure each child’s academic success. By signing the compact, all agree they are going to work together to improve learning. Parents are involved in developing the compact. This compact is required by the Federal Title I guidelines.
Parent Involvement
Parental involvement has always been a centerpiece of Title I. Research shows that parent involvement is critical to student success and student achievement. When schools, families, and community groups work together to support learning, children tend to do better in school, stay in school longer, and like school more.
Why is Parent Involvement Important?
Studies have found that students with involved parents, no matter what their income or background, are more likely to—
· Earn high grades and test scores, and enroll in higher-level programs;
· Pass their classes, earn credits, and be promoted;
· Attend school regularly; and
· Graduate and go on to postsecondary education.
How You Can Get Involved…
•Keep in contact with your child’s teacher through telephone, scheduled appointments, or email
• Participate in school-based events that are intended for attendance of all families (e.g. open houses, concerts, curriculum meetings, family nights, etc.)
• Serve as a role model, showing your child that you support his/her progress in school
• Keep your child’s teacher informed about events in your child’s life that may affect his/her performance in school
• Discuss ideas for parent involvement with your child’s teacher or Title I parent liaison
• Get involved in the governance of the school and have a voice
Parent / Teacher Conferences
Conferences are one of the most important ways parents and teachers work together as a team. Conferences are a helpful way for parents to share information about their child’s special interests. It is also a good time for discussing the child’s academic progress and for gaining ideas on how parents best can help their children at home. A translator is available upon request.